As you may know, my mother is in the old country, so I was able to spend Thanksgiving in St. Paul at the gracious invitation of the Delaney household. It's the second time I've had the opportunity to join them for Thanksgiving and each time I left full of protein and grilled turkey. I think I'm still recovering five days later. Very good food and very enjoyable fellowship for sure.
I also know that many go shopping Thanksgiving evening/Friday morning for a commercial event called "Black Friday." I personally don't go shopping on Black Friday, mainly because I have a quasi-phobia to shopping in general. When I go shopping generally I try to get out of the store as quickly as possible because I subconsciously hear a "giant sucking sound" on my wallet. But as a Best Buy corporate employee, I'm glad not everyone feels that way. In fact, I hope most individuals does what this young lady is up to at a local Best Buy near you.
So knowing that "Black Friday" is a high traffic time at Best Buy (you just have to trust me here), how do we get our employees in the store, the "Blue Shirts" (no not the Chelsea Football Club) ready to take on such a challenge? The Best Buy Cheer, of course:
That's the corporate spirit! Shop away everyone! We're ready!