Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013 Minnesota Twins Preview

After some investigation, I found the copy of the Twins preview video on my Macbook. For this preview, I was able to procure a learned man in Minnesota Twins baseball, Peter C. Magnuson Esq., to share his opinions on the upcoming season. Mr. Magnuson is not only a great Twins baseball mind, but also a lawyer and organist of the highest quality. Hence, enjoy this discussion both for it's enlightenment as well as its entertainment value for the next half hour (or pieces that make up a half hour).


Go Twins!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Preview of the Twins Preview

In this space I planned to post a video blog casting a preview of the 2013 Minnesota Twins with a very learned individual.  Unfortunately, either due to hardware or intellect issues, the video that was recorded did not save on my Macbook,  so I'll have to do it again.

We will have a Twins preview and it will be worth the wait.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Head Slapper of the Week

Apparently we have a world record for everything:

Nothing is gonna stop them now.  Three Head Slaps.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


An announcement:  I have recently decided to make a career transition.  I have accepted an offer to be a Senior Business Analyst at Deluxe Corporation.  This upcoming week is my last week at Best Buy.

I know there may be questions out there regarding my reasoning behind my decision.  I will provide great detail of my reasoning in the coming weeks.  For now,  I will just say this opportunity is promotion for me professionally and personally.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Make Up Head Slapper of the Week

For those of you that need to know everything regarding the Papacy (why you would is beyond me) there's an app to help with that:

Can we buy indulgences with the app?

Four Head Slaps.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Head Slapper of the Week

Sorry for be tardy, but the weekend trip  preoccupied my blog writing time.  But hopefully this post will be at least a partial reimbursement.

Here's a headline passed along to me from a story in 2009.

Woman getting married to fairground ride

Amy Wolfe, a US church organist who claims to have objectum sexuality, a condition that makes sufferers attracted to inanimate objects, plans to marry a magic carpet fairground ride.

Need I say more?

Three and a Half Head Slaps

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Southern Diversion, Part II

Well, here's the summary of my last day of my Florida trip:

Here are some pictures:

RJ says Hi

I was not impressed

Friday, March 8, 2013

A Southern Diversion, Part 1

It's March and with March comes Spring Training baseball.  So this year I traveled down to Bradenton, FL to watch some Spring Training baseball, including my favorite team, the Minnesota Twins.  

I started my journey down to Florida on Wednesday afternoon after work. After a smooth journey from Minneapolis to Tampa that arrived around 11:30 pm.  I was able to retrieve my rental car around midnight.  

Now knowing that that I wouldn't arrive until late in the evening and that Bradenton is about an hour away from Tampa, I decided as a practical matter to sleep in my rental car the first evening.  Yes, I just said that I planned to sleep in my car on vacation.  What I did was drove down the I-275 to a well-lit rest stop and slept in the back seat.  It wasn't too bad, although I woke up around 5 am because it was quite cold with not running heat.  

I did make a reservation at a Motel 6 in Bradenton for Thursday through Saturday night.  Since I woke up at 5 am I thought I would check to see when I could check-in.  Well, thanks to the Almighty, the innkeeper told me that I could come by right away since there was a room open for me.  So with that I arrived at the Motel 6 in Bradenton at 6 am and checked in after making a trip to the Walmart next door for some fruit and supplies.  It's nice to have a bed and a shower.

My Residence
I have to confess though that Thursday I didn't take too many photos, so you'll just have to take my word for what I did.  After a morning completing devotions, washing up, working and taking a long phone call, I spent the rest of the day with Pastor and Mrs. Magnuson, who are staying nearby.   I spent the afternoon with Pastor at an Orioles baseball game in Sarasota.  Here's my perspective:

It's Orioles vs. Blue Jays at Ed Smith Stadium 

I then spent the evening with Pastor and Mrs. Magnuson having dinner and watching documentaries and Poirot Agatha Christie film.  A relaxing and enjoyable evening, especially since I was feeling the after effects of the car nap.

Well, as you see you probably would find it more interesting and efficient if I just told you what I did, so here's a summary of day two:

Here's some pictures that chronologically describe the day:

Breakfast at First Watch:  I had oatmeal

Bradenton Beach getting a sunburn 

Ice cream after a beach walk!  Great idea!!

Where's the Butter Brickle?!!! Boooooooo!!!!!!

Wen-Yin Chen, Orioles Pitcher
McKechnie Field Concourse
Starting Lineups (Former Twins involved)

My View
So until next time…..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Head Slapper of the Week

I ran into a story that in the past week that pictures of a Florida church are making the rounds on the internet for an 'interesting' reason.  Take a look:

The Church by the Sea in Madeira Beach, Florida has been called the 'Chicken Church' for some reason.  Officials at the church obviously do not appreciate the tourist taking pictures, but not worshiping.

Sometimes the building is what it is.  Three Head Slaps.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

An Exhibit that Brought Back Memories

I was driving home from Minneapolis this week when I saw a banner hanging in front of the Minnesota History Center a few blocks from my home that displayed the following:

Now that got my mind spinning (which may be a good or bad thing depending on your point of view and the time of day).  I've always been interested in the Civil War for as long as I remembered.  

In fact,  when I spent a year in DC after Carleton,  I recalled reading my favorite history book around that time, The Battle Cry of Freedom:

After reading this book,  I really became interested in the different sites of the Civil War.   On weekends I would drive my car (a Suburu, not a Prius) to different sites of the Civil War.  I've also tried to find sites when I'm visiting the area.  I've been to the following places:


Antietam (Yes, Mr. Dickey, I know it's Sharpsburg)
Harper's Ferry

Bull Run (Yes, Mr. Dickey, I know it's Manassas)

The Wilderness
Incidentally,  during the Battle in The Wilderness,  Stonewall Jackson got wounded and had his arm amputated.  The arm was buried at The Wilderness.  I learned about this fact from my economics professor (now Beloit College President) when I was a Carleton student.  So while at the Wilderness I decided to find the buried arm, and I did at this location.

I immediately called my professor's home onsite and his first reaction when I told him on the phone was "Ohhh, you found it! I'm so so proud of you."  Memories.

Oh,  I did also visit the Confederate White House too.   After all, I'm Mellow Yellow.

There is so many great historical facts about the Civil War that I'm always interested in learning more about it.  Minnesota actually does have actual Civil War history from the Civil War.  From the account in The Battle Cry of Freedom,  the 1st Minnesota had a valuable part at Gettysburg.  It was the only regiment that Major General Winfield Scott Hancock had delay a Confederate Alabama brigade from puncturing the Union's defense line at Cemetery  Ridge.  Well, Hancock ordered the 1st Minnesota to charge the Confederate brigade so he could get enough time for reinforcements to arrive.  The 1st Minnesota did just that, all 262 of them charged against 1,600 Alabamans  and got the job done and the Confederate threat was snuffed out by twilight.  Only 47 1st Minnesota infantry  survived the charge, but they did eventually pick up the flag of the 28th Virginia Infantry to bring back to Minnesota and it hasn't been returned since.  

I guess I could go on and on about my affinity for Civil War history,  but I think I should just go to the Minnesota History Center exhibit and satiate my curiosity.  You probably should too.