1. I do not read novels: I guess this much different than the pastor of the church I attend, whose spouse says he does not read books, period. (Perhaps a benefit of being single is not having another individual talking about all your habits without consultation, but that's a matter of debate for a different time :)). However, I do like reading and listening to nonfiction books, particularly regarding Christianity, economics, public policy, American wars and biographies of political figures. For example, other than the Scriptures, the last three books I've read or listened to are The Road to Serfdom, Basic Economics, 1776 and currently The Age of Turbulence (a memoir by Alan Greenspan). Something about not having to be imaginatively creative draws me to those pieces of literature and away from fiction. As you know, I'm an it is what it is type of guy.
2. I don't watch broadcast TV or movies: Think of me, a man who worked at Best Buy, the dominate consumer electronics retailer in the world, doesn't like watching broadcast TV or movies. Two reasons for this. One, I think much on what is on TV or in the movies today are very low quality in both cinematic and moral value these days. Most material try to attract the carnal emotions of individuals and is not very deep material in any sense of the word. The second reason is that I have a really, really short attention span when it comes to cinema. Generally I can watch a movie perhaps 15 minutes before losing attention and wanting to do something else. Perhaps that's why I'm quite anti-social, who knows. Strangely enough, I can pay attention to a sporting event for a much longer time period. A matter of interest I guess.
3. I don't know what number date it is: Unless I have to look it up, I really don't know what number date it is. I know today is Thursday, but I don't know if it's June 22 or June 29 today unless I look it up in my phone. Multiple occasions have happened where I missed an appointment due to this. But thank goodness for smartphones with calendars because now I just set alarms in my phone that allows me to keep my appointments.
4. I apparently have a unique view on farding: Farding is the act of applying makeup to the face. I find this act unnecessary. In my myopic view, you are who you are, why distort it? Unless there is a health benefit to farding that I don't know about, I simply think it's a waste of resources, time and money.
5. My laugh is apparently has supporters and detractors: I have been told that my laugh, which I haven't heard myself, has supporters and detractors. My mother hates my laugh and says it drives her crazy. Others like it. More than one find it either 'fake sounding' or 'annoying.' I'll just say that it's all natural and I don't see how I could change it if I wanted to. I am sorry, however, that it drives my mom crazy though.
So these are just five things that are unique about me. You are free to list others, I hope you are courteous if you do so.