- This trip to Denver has illuminated me to the idea that the legalization of marijuana certainly has it effects. My sister and others have told me that the past couple years property values in Denver have gone up a great amount since the majority of voters decided to legalize marijuana. The guy next to me on the plane was saying he was looking forward to his joint after he got off the plane. Public policy really has it's affects.
- I read an article from the Washington Post citing the findings of a study that more intelligent folks have fewer friends. Most folks are generally happy the more interactions they have with their close friends. However, "more intelligent individuals were actually less satisfied with life if they socialized with their friends more frequently." I guess I don't know how intelligent I am now.
- I have to say my thoughts on the GOP nomination battle are the same: the Donald in commanding position, yet not clearly on a path to roll to the nomination. Events on the ground are fluid, sometimes unsavory. I also feel these just general great dissatisfaction out in society now, yet not a general consensus on what should be done about it. So much so that the candidate that I voted for in 2012, Libertarian Gary Johnson, received 11% of the vote (a very high third party number) in a recent poll. These are interesting times.
- By the way, have you seen my colleague Peter and my Twins Preview yet?
Happy Easter!!!