Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Head Slapper (of the Week?)

I know, I know.  I didn't promptly supply a Head Slapper last week.  It's been a busy week for me at work (Best Buy and the Golden Inn) and much travel between parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin.  So I had to do a little research for this week's Head Slapper, which explains the analytical bent of it.

As an analyst with a consultant background (no, Mitt Romney has not called for my advice), I always found data factoids somewhat interesting.  However, I find some information from Nielsen Corp., a standard-bearer in media research, found that the average interviewer watches 114.1 hours  of video (TVs and computers are included) per month (or more than 5 hrs/day).   That's a lot of time stimulating one's mind with various forms of entertainment, much of it praising the worst of civil society in my myopic opinion.  That's five hours a day they could spend doing something either to help someone else or their own health in many cases.  The striking part of this stat is that the number of hours of video watch per month has actually decreased from 115.9 hours/month. 

I just can't fathom watching that much video, especially with my short attention span when it comes to media consumption.  Perhaps folks may just do this one day with all this video consumption if they haven't already:

It is what it is. A mind-numbing reality.  Three Head Slaps.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Five hours a day?! I could spend five hours reading, but definitely not watching television or computer!
