Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Head Slapper of the Week

As teachers in MN have their union-backed conference this week, giving students two free vacation days, let's see what the Socialist President of France, François Hollande, has proposed:

Socialist Hollande worries that privileged children benefit from parental assistance on take-home assignments and that disadvantaged children do not.

"An education program is, by definition, a societal program. Work should be done at school, rather than at home," Hollande said at La Sorbonne in Paris last week.

Although students will likely celebrate the axing of homework, they might lament Hollande's plan extend the school week from four days to 4 ½ days. Schools will dismiss children earlier than they already do most days and after lunchtime on the extra day, but the planned schedule is not without criticism.

So France's President has decided that despite high unemployment and economic malaise throughout Europe that banning homework was a burning issue.  Sometimes priorities appear to be mixed up for some folks.  Three and Half Head Slaps.

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