Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another Step, Another Day

A notable event in my life will occur tomorrow afternoon.  I'll be closing on a 2-bedroom condo unit as an investment property.  I never thought I'd be a landlord, but I am convinced the Almighty has put this opportunity before me.

I wasn't really looking for a new property, but a colleague of mine brought up a 2-bedroom property that I was familiar with and I was intrigued enough to show my mother.  She said that she thought purchasing a 2 bedroom would be a great idea, especially since prices are projected to increase in my area with the development in Downtown St. Paul (Light Rail, Union Depot, Saints baseball stadium, Lunds grocery, etc.).  I said I would leave it to prayer and the Almighty.

Well, after I learned that my mom made a short notice trip to the Cities to visit friends, I asked if she wanted to look at condos and she said yes.  We saw a couple and there was one in particular that my mom said she liked so much that she would consider moving there eventually.  That was news to me because she's always said she'd never move down here.

So I gave a offer at a reasonable price and prayed that it'll be accepted if only it were in the Almighty's will.  A day later the offer was accepted and that's how we got here.

I'll guess I'll show you a view.

So tomorrow will be new event in my life.  My the Almighty direct me through it.

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