Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Trip Out West: Day 2 - Richard Nixon Presidential Library

Friday morning I traveled a shorter distance (about a 45 min trip) to Yorba Linda, California to visit the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the 5th Presidential Library that I have visited.  I guess this is odd for a individual my age, for a couple docents told me that only geriatric folks generally have visited as many at my age.  

A smallish man of statute

Was told that the lawn is used throughout the year for receptions and weddings

President Nixon was a Duke Law grad.  What that had to do with his ethics I'll let you decide.

"I want Putin!" 

What I found interesting about this rendition of the Oval Office was that it was quite sterile.  It didn't have portraits of any previous Presidents, just one of a young General Washington over the fireplace.  As you can see, the desk is large with nothing in the bottom middle.  That's because he generally had someone across from him typing away or doing other work.

For a President who was in office for only 6 years, Nixon appointed 4 SCOTUS Justices: Warren Burger, Harry Blackmun, Lewis Powell and William Rehnquist.

Model of the Cabinet room.

Vietnam was a big issue when Nixon got into office

A copy of the daily casualties report Nixon received. Prompted Nixon to expedite efforts to end the war.

Nixon did spend a week in China opening up relations with them.  My dad always recalled that to me.  Makes one wonder if there's parallels to current times...

A short history of tape recording in the White House.  Taping had been going on since FDR.  Nixon removed all recording equipment, but re-installed it after he found the notetakers inhibiting his conversations.  Instead of having recording selected meetings, Nixon wanted everything to be recorded for his future memoirs and historical record.  However, Watergate scuttled that idea much like Haman building the gallows in the Book of Esther.

Much emphasis on Watergate

 The copy of the proclamation of Nixon's pardon

Pat and President Nixon gravesite

Nixon's birthplace, which apparently was a "kit home" that was bought from a catalog and put together in pieces.

For a man known to have quite the foul mouth, Nixon did have some words of wisdom.

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