Friday, May 17, 2013

Head Slapper of the Week

This week's Head Slapper involves an incident involving Kevin Williamson, a National Review columnist.  On a recent date he was on with a lady, Williamson attended "Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812," a musical.  The following story occurred regarding his interactions with other females at the musical.  According to Williamson:

"The main offenders were two parties of women of a certain age, the sad sort with too much makeup and too-high heels, and insufficient attention span for following a two-hour musical," Williamson writes in his post "Theater Night: Vigilantes 1, Vulgarians 0."
When one particular woman "with too much makeup" refused to get off her phone after Williamson and his date had kindly asked her to turn it off, she suggested he mind his own business.
Here's what happened next, writes Williamson:
So I minded my own business by utilizing my famously feline agility to deftly snatch the phone out of her hand and toss it across the room, where it would do no more damage. She slapped me and stormed away to seek managerial succor. Eventually, I was visited by a black-suited agent of order, who asked whether he might have a word.
In a civilized world, I would have received a commendation of some sort. To the theater-going public of New York — nay, the the world – I say: “You’re welcome.”
Williamson ends his post with this funny bit: "There is talk of criminal charges. I will keep you updated."
Applaud Williamson for his stand against inappropriate cellphone use and excessive farding.  But what's up with those ladies?   
Three Head Slaps

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