Monday, May 6, 2013

Pondering a Policy Return

Ever since the last election I said that I would disengage in public policy opinion-making for an extended period of time.    I have kept my word there, providing more commentary on life events, showing that I'm not an utterly boring person, hopefully.

However, I have gotten the itch to discuss public policy again.  Significant issues both on the social and economic fronts are on my mind that i do have an opinion to provide.  I could say it would be an informed one based on my education with a Masters in Public Policy, but I wouldn't want to be seen as that prideful.  So I'll just say it would be at least a myopic opinion.

So I'm wants some feedback from you.  Should I provide public policy opinions?  Would you be bored if I did?

BTW, I was informed by a blog reader that I've been writing some sort of blog or listserve for over ten years now.  More evidence that I am indeed aging before your eyes.

Please provide some comments to help me in my decision.


  1. Public policy is an interesting topic to both read and discuss, so my vote is yes. And if I may point out sir, it is technically your blog. If some do not wish to read about particular topics, they may simply refrain from doing so. It is my advice that you post about what you wish (within reason, of course)

  2. I second Liz. I'd also add that you should keep a mix of policy & personal for optimal information and interest-keeping!
