Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Election Musings

I'm currently in the middle of a busy time for me.  Over the next month, I'll be traveling for 14 of them, including on Election Day.  So I got a few musings:

- I have to say that the reaction to my last post regarding my decision of who to vote for was much more respectful that it was 4 years ago when I voted for Gary Johnson.  I suspect at least a few of those who said I was wasting my vote in 2012 went ahead this year and did what I encouraged everyone to do in 2012...vote your strongest preference, even if they are not on the ballot.  As Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan would say... the Times are a Changin'.

- So what do I think where the race is right now?  There's a dichotomy between what my mind says and what I see.  What my mind says is that Hillary is well on her way to a landslide victory of Obama 2008 proportions.  I think she's effectively been able to define the Donald to the broader public as a man who does not have the sensitivity, judgment and temperament to lead the Free World.  The Donald hasn't exactly helped himself either by easily diverted from a consistent, disciplined message on the issues by extensively trying to defend himself against vituperative charges on his character.  

However, what I see is much different.  When I talk to many of those from my church and whatnot, the Donald is crude man who fits much of the characterization that Hillary has effectively defined him.  There's a real struggle for many of them in choosing who to support, certainly not enthusiastically support for either Hillary or the Donald in those circles.  However, when I travel outside that circle, mainly to NE Minnesota, the attitude changes.  It pretty much is defined by a conversation I had with my mother over breakfast last week.  My mom is one that only has voted in one election in her life and certainly is not motivated to vote in this one.  But in her blunt style, she said that "Hillary is a liar. Donald is excessively honest on what he thinks."  That's pretty much what I hear when I talk to folks up there: Neither of them are saints, but at least Donald will tell you what he thinks and that we can trust.  As I drive around in the Twin Ports area, I was surprised by how many Trump signs I saw posted up there.  Many more than Hillary ones for sure.  So it wasn't a surprise to me when I recently saw this news:

Another tidbit was today I was eating dinner at the Olive Garden when I overheard a conversation of a geriatric couple sitting at a table next to me talking about the election. They basically said that Hillary was a criminal and that the Donald is getting the short end of the stick from the media.  They were wondering if Hillary could be impeached if she was elected for the crimes she allegedly committed.  Interesting conversations I hear about when I eat alone.

Those tidbits and the sight of the size and energy of the Donald's rallies make me think that his base is very enthused and will definitely vote.  However, this is a Presidential election, not a midterm.  Unless the Donald brings in many voters who haven't voted before, I just don't see him winning this point.  But we have seen many strange things in this election, haven't we?

Here's my current map, based on my head knowledge:

It's interesting times, don't you think?

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