Sunday, June 24, 2012

Myopic Musings

A couple a myopic musings:

- The Obamacare ruling is very likely going to happen this week.  As I said previously,  I'm thinking that there's a 50 percent chance of the individual mandate being struck down, but the rest of the law remaining in tact, a 30 percent chance that the law will remain as is and a 20 percent chance that the entire law will be struck down.  Chief Justice Roberts will be the swing vote in my opinion.

- I heard on the radio today that relating to the debate on the MN constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one women that the fundraising between the two sides are staggering.  The opponents of the measure raised over $4.5 million dollars compared to supporters who have raised about $1.4 million.   Quite the wide gap from what I see.  What does that mean?

1 comment:

  1. Quite the accurate prediction on the Roberts vote, sir. Did Nostra feed you that one?
